Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year, New Life in Logan

Welcome 2010!!!

Really starting this year out in a good way. We are now official Logan residents. Moved everything up the weekend of New Years.  Then it was off to Colorado for Jed, happily traveling with work. I came back to SLC for the week to wrap up some things and poor Gage is now completely confused about where to call home. And not very happy that we came without his bed and toys.

Christmas was a lot of fun. (Of course) Grandpa and Grandma Judd know what the boys like.

Grandpa knows what Jed likes too.....biking accessories!

Later that night at the Barlow Christmas was race to the hoop and back to gets first pickins on the white elephant table. after being broken up into groups of three, we are proud to be family of 1st placers (no we're not competitive at all)

But no worries, everyone's a winner!

Thank you to everyone for helping us move to our new life in Logan. Blakely is happy to have her own room (finally) and to have Aunt Melody there to play with her while I unpacked.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Can we wait a couple days to have Halloween??

I didn't prepare myself for Halloween this year. It always takes me a little time to mentally prepare for the challenges of BA-ZILLIONS of kids bouncing off the walls from eating so much sugar.....for like 2 weeks.

Fortunately, this year we weren't in the primary at church and we're in a new ward with fewer children so we didn't have to deal with it. One of the elderly had an incident today at church...maybe they had too much sugar as well.

So this year we had a two-day haunting. Indy had a Halloween party at school on Thursday and we celebrated again on Saturday with the rest of the world.
At school Indy was a POW-POW-POWER RANGER...and a reverent Power Ranger at that! Then for Halloween he was a sheet with eyes cut out

Which he absolutely LOVED! Since Jenn did a such a great job of it, we'll keep it around for the coming years. Indy said he'd be a ghost again next year.
Gage ended up using an old costume we've had laying around. We're not quite sure what it is...but at some point I think it was a bear but the nose button popped we just tell the kids it's a mouse. And since no one really cares and it's Halloween, the kids don't argue :) and we're all happy.

Now we have 3 buckets of candy to sort through. But at the rate we're going - we'll have it licked up by Thursday and can survive till Christmas on the sugar we've all had!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Throwing Rocks with Grandpa

Many thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Judd for sending us their "old" oven. Grandpa Robert brought it up to us today and helped me get it put in place. You'd think a simple task like that would be a snap - but as most things go, we needed to take a trip to the hardware store. Big boy Gage came along to keep us on task and under budget (I put the budget bit in there in case Jenn reads this stuff, hahahhaaaa)
After we got the oven hooked up, we all enjoyed a nice bowl of garden grown dutch-oven potatoes! Indy and Gage both helped out and they were DELICIOUS!
Grandpa Robert then treated us to an outing at the Jordan Parkway to throw rocks in the water.

Indy and Gage loved it!
 Here Indy is showing us all where to throw the rocks.This morning he was throwing rocks at Gage, so I was thrilled about him knowing the appropriate places to throw the rocks.

Indy and Gage are showing how much they love me for hanging out with them :) They also said if their arms were bigger they could love me that much more....I took that as a compliment....since I didn't really know how to take it.



It was great to have Grandpa Robert come with us today! Thanks Grandpa, we love you!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

First Family Post

This is the first post on our new family blog. Let the whining begin so the world can heal!